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Sustainability. And future.
Looking to the future for Sunfield means looking at research and innovation in the audio and technological fields, but also practicing a corporate policy of care and diligence in terms of sustainability. It means recognizing growth and sustainable development, ethical and environmental responsibility, protection and enhancement of human capital, environmental protection, dialogue and transparency as values.

Sunfield Audio - Sustainability
Sunfield's Commitment.
Sunfield is already committed to sustainability, with the filtration systems of the paint particles and of the wood particles installed in the factories to prevent their dispersion in the atmosphere, with the research and development of new eco-friendly materials, and with the adoption of sustainable policies towards its employees. We will do more and more, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects into our decision-making processes.

Sunfield Audio - New Materials
New Materials.
Special Diaphragm Material, Special Green Composite and Waterborne paint.