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We make it simple.
Since its founding in 1997, Sunfield's philosophy has been to develop innovative skills and work processes to make simple the realization of outstanding products.
And still today, the thought of Leonardo da Vinci "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistications" continues to distinguish our company philosophy and our work, together with dedication, transparency and sense of responsibility, that we have always set ourselves.

Sunfield Audio - Make it simple
We create positive experience.
We achieve quality products by placing the customer at the center of our attention. Research, development, technologies, machinery, services, availability and continuous assistance are the components of our work, all driven by the common goal of responding to customer needs and making their experience positive with Sunfield.

Sunfield Audio - Research and study
We are open minded.
We research, analyse and study, to be always competitive, ready for partnerships and collaborations in a constantly evolving market, where the creation of audio products requires the involvement of different and increasingly specific specializations.

Sunfield Audio - Quality and Price
We provide quality and price.
We strive every day to offer our customers the best solutions, convinced that quality is the result of conscious designs and realizations, and not necessarily the result of higher costs.

Sunfield Audio - Quality and Price
We look at the future.
Studying changes to offer technological quality and construction solutions that are always in step with the times, support sustainable growth and development, enhance human capital and protect the environment. This for us at Sunfiled means "looking at the future".