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Sunfield Audio - Quality control - Continuous improvement
Continuous Improvement.
A mature and advanced process of continuous improvement, divided into three steps (input, process, output), to manage customer feedback and any quality anomalies in a stable and efficient way.


The input items for continuous improvement are extensive and the input channels are opened. Including but not limited to: customer requirements and feedback, output of quality system audit and system verification.


The process of continuous improvement is professional and rigorous, with diversified forms. Including design/process failure mode effect analysis, quality control plan, product verification, quality review meeting, etc.
Through this process, the input items are thoroughly studied and analysed.


The output of continuous improvement has the characteristics of stability, accuracy and ruthless. It can minimize the impact of input items, correct the current problems, and prevent recurrence.
These output items include process improvement, inspection method improvement, inspection frequency improvement, training, excellent employee incentive, etc.