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Sunfield Audio - Assurace Equipment
Assurance Equipment.
A complete equipment for the most complete and precise quality tests.

Acoustic & Electrical:

Clio system;
Anechoic chamber;
Audio Precision audio analyser;
Anritsu Bluetooth RF test set;
Girant headphone electroacoustic test system;
Damper displacement measuring system.

Physical & Mechanical:

Zeiss Spectrum CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine);
Tension & compression tester;
Wood density meter;
Glue/adhesive viscometer.

Surface quality:

X-Rite colour photospectrometer;
Color evaluation light booth;
Gloss meter;
BYK-Gardener paint inspection gage;
DeFelsko Ultrasonic coating thickness gage;
Surface hardness tester.

Performance & Reliability:

Norman tool RCA abrasion wear tester;
Enviromental chambers;
UV aging test chamber;
Salt spray corrosion tester;
Wire bending tester.

Package performance:

Package dropping & vibration testers;
Bursting strength tester.

RoHS testing EDXRF Spectrometer.